#116 ✓done
Armin Weatherwax

(patch) gesture manager from chatbar

Reported by Armin Weatherwax | March 13th, 2009 @ 12:44 PM | in 1.1.0

like described in the viewer forum; not as nice as in the mockup, but minimal change to the code. Nothing done about the pie menu, since the discussion at the UXIG meeting and in the pie menu dreams thread look like bringing major improvement there anyway...

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • McCabe Maxsted

    McCabe Maxsted April 1st, 2009 @ 04:52 AM

    • Milestone set to 1.2.0
  • McCabe Maxsted

    McCabe Maxsted May 8th, 2009 @ 02:42 PM

    • Assigned user set to “McCabe Maxsted”
    • State changed from “new” to “done”

    I really like this one. Thanks Armin :)

    I've started a 1.2.0 branch up on github. Not sure when 1.1 RC3 and final will be released due to Jacek and I both being "on vacation," but that's where I've been poking. How do you feel about moving to 1.22.11, pros/cons? Haven't tried your rebased version yet.

  • Armin Weatherwax

    Armin Weatherwax May 9th, 2009 @ 09:22 AM

    In very short: the rebased version of imprudence is the one I use (almost) "always".


    con: the rebase had merge conflicts about win and mac installers, no clue how much work to be done there.

    pro: the 1.22 based version works stable on a kubuntu 8.04 and debian squeeze (both 32bit).

    con: the 1.21 based version is stable on 3 platforms.

    pro: rather sooner than later a rebase will be necessary anyway.

    con: before I knew Imprudence I compiled llabs maint-viewer when I wanted a rockstable client - the patches making it rockstable at that time are now going into their 1.23 viewer. Maybe better go for that one ? Also the ll http-texture branch will be needed to be discussed sooner or later (rather later ?) to have a closer look at.

    hm, maybe lets have something like a "imprudence in-world bbq" for users, contributors, developers and anybody to find out what pple think about moving towards a rebase. "bbq" to make the non-formal character clear and in-world because of the lower latency than forums discussion.

  • Jacek Antonelli

    Jacek Antonelli June 6th, 2009 @ 05:00 AM

    • Milestone changed from 1.2.0 to 1.1.0

    We've pushed this one into 1.1.0 to compensate for Gestures being removed from the self pie menu. Thanks much, Armin!

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