McCabe Maxsted
Stopping streaming can cause the viewer to hang/crashwas updated by McCabe MaxstedSaturday Feb 28
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Stopping streaming can cause the viewer to hang/crash was updated by McCabe Maxsted 08:49 AM ticket
Chat history doesn't scroll in certain instances was updated by McCabe Maxsted 08:49 AM ticket
Streams break when source switches was updated by McCabe Maxsted 08:49 AM ticket
Add debug info to media initializationwas updated by McCabe Maxsted 08:48 AM ticket -
Dead stream urls can freeze the viewer was updated by McCabe Maxsted 08:46 AM ticket
1.1.0 was created by McCabe Maxsted 08:46 AM milestone
Setting the wrong type in the About L... was created by McCabe Maxsted
Friday Feb 27
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Some audio settings aren't correctly mutedwas updated by McCabe MaxstedWednesday Feb 25
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Create menu_pie_hud.xml for right clicking HUDswas updated by McCabe Maxsted 08:37 AM ticket